Benchmarking our Industry Progress on Sustainability

As part of BPMA’S Sustainability agenda and Step Forward Pledge, the BPMA is completing an industry wide benchmark on industry progress with sustainability.

Please use this link to fill in this sustainability self-audit here:

The audit has 30 questions and can be completed in a just few minutes. This link is just for companies attending the Conference.
Please complete the survey by 10th May 2024.

What will the information be used for?

The benchmarking data will be extremely helpful to the BPMA, and we will be presenting the findings during our findings at our Sustainability Conference on 5th June. 

Information for your business instantly

As a bonus you will receive a summary of your scores in your inbox within 90 seconds. 

Preparation for the StepForward Pledge
This audit doesn’t replace what we are asking members to do for the StepForward Pledge; it will help us see the bigger picture. It will help the industry understand where we are now and where we need to aim for in the future.